It 's probably one of those old wives' tale' that sleep cats (not sure) 20 hours a day, but he has to do a house cat at all? Sometimes we must force them to live, or down to our expectations. The truth is that cats need a good dose of exercise to maintain their health, too.
The easiest way to ensure that your cat plenty of exercise, it is easy to play with her!
Take advantage of what your cat likes to do it. If they like to chase something, because most cats do to make your own"Angel" cat toys with objects found around the house. Start looking for a "floor".
You could use an old rod spring tent, not more, about 18-24 cm in length, or a stick or branch from your real garden. Plastic works best because it is robust, is lightweight, does not wear out quickly and is pretty hard to break. Put an end to this "stick" to build a strong piece of string or rope is very light, about 24-36 inches long. Then bind to something, the free end, serve asinteresting toy for the cat ... maybe crochet a ball containing a bell, or a tuft of feathers, or the cut-off point of an old sock in a while 'is laced with catnip.
Now you can train your cat while you sit. Just swish around the toy and watch your cat chase it! Or, if you can use a little 'practice by yourself, get up outta that chair and move as you give the kitten more areas are going through.
If you do not have the material or the ability to make this toyThey are available in most pet stores. And if you do not get in the store, just go on the walk home and leave your cat will follow you!
Too general, as they have, where you and follow your movements around the house. You just do not want a sports enthusiast, then this could provide the best possible "low impact" exercise for an older cat, so do not spend all day just to be sleeping out of boredom.
If you have two cats, tie a rope to a collar of very light and let others chaseas she pulls behind her. Then switch so that either. This gives them plenty of exercise, and you can sit on a chair and work the abdominal muscles from laughing!
Cats are very curious, as everyone knows, you can have the interest and motivation for another little influence: hide-n-seek. Easy to hide something and leave something in the kitty on how to find and then extract it.
You can make your own "toys hidden" and found materials, like a shoeBox which are sealed with adhesive tape. Put a toy in which certain sounds, such as making a ball hook with a bell inside. Or you can cat comes in the box. Drill holes about 2 inches wide, between the first and perhaps one or two sides of the box, and let the kitten Work It Out
This toy is a great way to be active kitten while you are away, perhaps at work all day. It provides some physical activity and some mental stimulation.
Other toys are simple spheres in a crumpled paper towelRolls in 2-4 cm long, and again the good old wire mesh balls. Hang a string of very strong to handle a season motivated to help themselves.
And never leave toys-style string, wire or string around the house when you are away. If the kitten was a choke while you are away, you can not go back in time to avoid a tragedy.
Another "home alone" style of play activities is a jungle gym, homemade boxes. Just pile them high for them to be about 3-4 and kittenAll fell within a few minutes. Then it will be buzzing in and around them for hours, if it is excited. But be careful ... Some cats really like to chew cardboard, so do not be surprised to find a room full of boxes Shreddies when you return.
You can smile and empty the disorder, know your cat has had a great time, or you can take this game off your list. Hey, at least not the couch, right?